Thank You for Choosing Damage™ Special Thanks  First I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for giving me the talent and ability to even think about creating Damage™. I would not have been able to do any of this without Him. I would like to thank CLIXSOUNDS for  creating the windowshade sounds found in Damage™ (Pre-OS8 only) Check'm out @ Hey Wait! I can't forget about ol' Greg! The man who made Damage™ possible. Thanks Mr. Landweber. :^) Damage™ is SHAREware* * Share the gospel of Jesus Christ where ever and when ever you can! * What if you died today? By natural causes or a car wreck, what if you died today? Do you know what would happen or where you would go? Stop and think about it for a minute. The Bible says "the results of sin is death" and since we have all sinned we should all spend eternity in the fires of hell. I don't know about you friend, but I sure didn't like that idea. You see, our God is so Holy that He cannot have sin around Him at all. Sin is sin to God, whether it be lying or murder, it's all the same in God's eyes. That is why we can't spend forever in heaven by performing "good" acts while we are here on earth, because every single one of us has sinned at least once in our lives. Here's the answer, Jesus! God sent "His only begotten Son to die for OUR sins". Jesus Christ carried the sins of the world and died on the cross so we wouldn't have to. After 3 days in His tomb, Jesus rose from the grave to rule in heaven at His father's side. Jesus died and rose from the dead for YOU! His blood covers all sin. This sacrafice allows for you and I to spend eternity in heaven with God instead of in hell with satan. You may be asking yourself, how do I get in on this. Well, just accept the above truth into you heart in prayer and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. You have to mean it though, God knows if your not being honest. I pray you are blessed by reading this. Amen. Created by Mike Yrabedra | Screen Design Enterprises w w w . s c r e e n - d e s i g n . c o m 1997 © Copyright | All Rights Reserved | Please Visit Our Sponsors